

AdamAdam is the first human created by God. Adam is mentioned in the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the Quran, the Druze religion and also the Book of Iqan the holy book of the Bahá’í faith.

How many years did Adam live?

Adam lived for 930 years making him the third longest living person after Methuselah and Noah.

Archbishop Ussher did a number of calculations and came upon a calculation that Adam was created on October 23, 4004 BC and he lived till 3074 BC. However, the Bible does not give any record of date or time of Adams creation.

How tall was Adam?

Hamdan, a Saudi with the help of 4 taylors created a dress for Adam based on the 90 feet calculation.
Hamdan, a Saudi with the help of 4 taylors created a dress for Adam based on the 90 feet calculation.

Bible does not provide any information related to Adam’s height. Since Adam was the first human and also made by God’s own hands, he should have been a perfect human being with a perfect gene and that would be the only thing we can confirm. The Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari states that Adam was 60 cubits tall. Which is 27.43 meters and that would be 30 feet tall. However, the Hadith was written 846 years after Christ and is a consolidation of nearly 600,000 narrations so not a historical record and definitely not an early reliable scripture. Most Muslims and scolars do not regard it as authentic.

In rabbinic writings and scrolls found in the Dead Sea caves, its written that Adam was diminished in stature when he was exiled from the garden of Eden.

We should also remember that there are archeological evidences being found every year of gigantic creatures, which roamed the earth. Dinosaurs like the Amphicoelias fragillimus was 190 feet in length and was 122.4 tons in weight. The earth was filled with giant creatures. However, these were pre-adamic living beings and have no relation to Adams height.

The Bible does not have any account of how tall Adam was. The only tall races mentioned in the Bible are of the Nephilims, the sons of Anak who are mentioned before and after the flood. The Anakites were the children of Anak, the son of Arba. These giants who are mentioned in the bible were between 7.8 feet to 11.35 feet tall.

The book of Enoch 1 states that there were great giants, whos height was three hundred cubits. This would make then 450 ft tall. However, if Adam was exceptionally tall, the Bible would have stated it. With Bible clearly differentiating mankind and giants, and as we know that Adam was not one of the giant races, Adam would not have been as tall as any of these giants.

Where is Adam buried?

Cave of Patriarchs
Cave of Patriarchs

Jewish midrashic literature states that, along with the patriarch couples buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs (Cave of Machpelah) which is in the West Bank in the center of Judea, Adam and his wife Eve were also interred in the same cave. This tradition is also supported by ancient Samaritan texts.